Saturday, June 22, 2019

Serum Review: Skinceuticals C E Ferulic

Skinceuticals C E Ferulic

AvailabilityThis product retails at $169 for 1 oz. (30 mL) and is available at along with its physical store locations. You can also get it through e-retailers such as,, and

Would I buy this? No.

What is this product? What is it supposed to do?
Product info according to
Advanced antioxidant treatment and skin protector designed to defend against photoaging and reveal more youthful skin. Neutralizes free radicals, promotes collagen production and delivers unmatched antioxidant protection with a formula containing 15% pure L-ascorbic acid and 1% alpha tocopherol, plus ferulic acid for a super-antioxidant combination.
Defends against environmental aging. Helps build collagen. Delivers maximum antioxidant protection. Uncovers more youthful-looking skin.

Does this contain any special/beneficial ingredients?
Again, according to, these are the key ingredients:
Vitamin C: Helps to protect against future UVA and UVB sun damage by neutralizing free radicals. Helps to minimize the appearance of existing photo-damage. Helps to alleviate skin inflammation
Vitamin E: Helps to neutralizes free radicals . Helps protect against UV damage and promotes healing.
Ferulic acid: Found naturally in the seeds of some fruits, vegetables, nuts and grains, it offers anti-aging benefits by combating free radical damage.

What is the texture like?
This feels watery. 

Is this scented?
This has a really weird, unpleasant (to me), smoky meat scent. Some folks liken it to bacon or hot dog water. 

What has my experience with the product been like?
I've been using this mixed in with rose oil which minimizes its scent  and I will say that the scent dissipates quickly but regardless my personal opinion is that there are better priced and better smelling Vitamin C options on the market. This is a cult-favorite product and I am just not understanding the hype. My skin tends to react to vitamin C treatments by becoming more glow-y and radiant, which it does with this but perhaps because I don't have dark spots or any severe signs of aging I can't say that "oooh this makes me look youthful" especially in comparison to other Vitamin C-containing products. It's a hard pass for me.

Please let me know if you have any comments or questions.

DisclaimerThis was provided for testing purposes. I am not obligated or being compensated to mention it on this blog. 

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