Sunday, September 6, 2015

MAKE UP FOR EVER I-804, ME-734,and I-838 Artist Shadows Review

Today I'll be reviewing the MAKE UP FOR EVER Artist Shadows in I-804, ME-734, and I-838
Availability: This is available at and as well as their respective physical store/boutique locations. Here's how pricing works: Here's how pricing works, each individual shadow without a case is $17, $29 for 2 shadows and a case, $39 for 3 eyeshadows and a case, $49 for 4 shadows and a case, and/or $59 for 6 eyeshadows and a case.
Would I buy this again?: Damn right I would.
Notes: Confession - I disliked a large majority of MAKE UP FOR EVER's older eyeshadow formula because the texture was dry, you had to work with them a certain way to get them to work for you, they weren't the most user friendly if you were a noob and just... the pigmentation on some was lacking... I loved MAKE UP FOR EVER as a brand but just not the shadows. Then these came and I developed a big crush on MAKE UP FOR EVER all over again. These are unique, fantastic, buttery, smooth, amazing. Just... they really surpassed my expectations so I just had to pick up a few more colors to add to my collection. Take a gander and then like... go buy some. Do it. You won't be disappointed. I also really like how sleek the cases are. They don't take up much space at all and it's nice that they're refillable and customizable. 
I-804 is described as a golden pink. I would say this color is a coral-pink with a gold duo-chrome, I think this color is gorgeous both on the eyes and as a blush; it is really nicely pigmented. This shade has been discontinued.
ME-734 is described as a tangerine. This is a mega-watt, super intense bright orange that's absolutely gorgeous, I love the slight gold tint going through it, it reminds me of a koi fish. Just so, so pretty.
I-838 is described as a slate pink. This is a really interesting shade because it looks almost like a bruise on me... It's kind of a purply pink with a silver pearl throughout. I think it's really pretty when paired with more purple colors or even applied lightly as blush. This shade has been discontinued. 

Please let me know if you have any questions or comments.

Disclaimer: I purchased this myself.

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