Thursday, January 28, 2016

Shiro Cosmetics: The Flash Ignite Collection

Ok you folks, Shiro Cosmetics is something I've been meaning to check out for a while but when I say I went in... I went IN! Like... so excite to own all these beauties and play with them! This collection is inspired by League of Legends. 
Availability: Shiro is no longer in business. 
Would I buy this again? I can't say for sure yet.
NotesNotes will accompany each shade respectively. Please note that while I grouped these by collection I didn't purchase each shade from every collection because that's crazy excessive. 
Come Play With Me - is described as a cool muted ashy green with a strong antique gold shift. I'd describe this color as a slightly grayed green with an antique gold shimmer throughout, it doesn't look like a shift unless packed over a white base as seen above.
Gems Are Outrageous is described as a blue base with a metallic blue shift and blue glitter - the overall effect is a very sparkly deep turquoise blue with lots of depth . The base of this is a very, very deep navy that's almost black and is loaded with starbursts of turquoise micro-glitter along with very fine pink and silver shimmer particles in there as well. It doesn't look like much in the little packet but it's absolutely stunning when swatched. 

Please let me know if you have any questions or comments.

DisclaimerI paid for these myself.

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