Thursday, January 16, 2014

Tart Warmers Review & Info

Hello folksickles. Today I bring an all-new possible start of a new obsession and it's the tart warmer. My best friend bought me one as a New Year's gift and I shall discuss it here.
She also got me these nifty silicone cupcake liners so I could switch out wax scents :)
This particular tart warmer is from Yankee Candle and  is the Everyday Ceramic Ivory Denby Floral Electric Wax Melts Warmer. It looks to no longer be available but honestly any wax warmer or heater would work.  
    These are a great alternative for those of you who for whatever reason can't have candles around the house be it pets, young children, you simply haven't got a place to burn candles without creating a fire hazard, or you want the scent of a candle when burning a candle may not be the best idea - like when you're sleeping. They're also a good way to recycle candle wax - you know when you get down to the last of the wick but you just know the wax left in that candle is still scented, you can remove said wax and use it in the tart warmer. I've also had it happen twice to me that candles shattered and I had nothing to do with the wax but throw it away, which made me sad. If I had this back then I could've cleaned the shards off the wax, cut it up, and used it in here. 
    Now these come in several varieties. There are tea-light versions of tart warmers where there's an opening under the tart dish to stick a tea light candle under - which in my opinion defeats the entire purpose of these being flame-less; and there are electrical versions that contain heating elements like mine. Now, mine was a gift but if I were to  buy one of these on my own I'd get one where the dish was removable. Now you may start asking - why? And what's a tart? So let's get back to the start.

What is a tart?
      A tart is a piece of  wick-free wax.  

How do you use tarts?
     Simple as can be, you take a tart (you can get them at,,, or and put it in the tart warmer to melt and release its scent. If you buy larger tarts or have larger pieces of wax you can chop them up and melt the pieces until they lose their scent. You can also mix scents if you wish.  I read somewhere that tarts were preferable to candles because you can mix scents in the tart warmer whereas with candles you can't... um... you can totally light several candles at once and have the scents mix. Sure you might get hit with some crazy intense throw but yolo. You can stick a silicone cupcake liner over the heating element and put the tart in there. That way cleanup is super easy and the tart will have cute scalloping as it sets - this way say, you use up a candle but you've got wax remaining, you can get it out of there and make your own tart or even give them away to friends as semi-homemade gifts. I mean if you've got wax and watch any candle-making video on Youtube, you could probably make your own tarts and give them out as gifts too.

I felt like this was fairly thorough information but if you should have any comments or questions please let me know.

Disclaimer: I received the tart warmer mentioned above as a gift. I am in absolutely no way obligated to mention it on here.  

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