Thursday, December 2, 2021

November 2021 Favorites

Hey folksickles,

Alright, all the goodies I've been enjoying in November :) 
1. Soap & Glory Original Pink The Righteous Butter Body Lotion: This seems to be that magical product that keeps both the soles of my feet (although I wish it was just a TINY bit more hydrating there) and my legs feeling soft. It also just, to me at least, smells absolutely incredible! It has quite an intense sweet floral scent that I really happen to enjoy.
2. A Place Further Than the Universe: It's been a while since I've talked about what I've been watching and, well, this was a re-watch but I've never talked about it here so, why not? I feel like, personally, during the holidays especially, but usually always, I like to watch shows that are action-y but also wholesome and this really fits the bill. To sum it up, this show is about the girls in the show poster above going on a trip to Antarctica, the challenges several of them overcome in order to even be able to make the journey in the first place, as well as the challenges they face when there. Overall the show may look kind of random and whatnot at first glance, but it's really inspirational in a YOLO kind of way, which you know I love, and does a beautiful job of covering themes like friendship, loss, and striving toward your goals. 

Please let me know if you have any questions or comments.

Disclaimer: I paid for the product mentioned above myself.

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