Thursday, February 28, 2013

Candle Review: Bath & Body Works Leaves Scented Candle

Candle: Bath & Body Works Scented Candle in Leaves
Here are the fragrance notes:
Availability: As this is a seasonal scent, it isn't currently available. I would check for it around the end of July/August as this is typically a part of their autumnal lineup.
The pricing list is as follows:
14.5 oz/429mL - $24.50, burn for: 30-45 hours
Would I buy this again?: Yes!!!!!
Notes: My reasoning for buying the candle: This seems to be uber popular with the Youtube folk so I had to give it a try.
Here's what I'm getting from smelling the candle cold - I get a lot of apple and nectar/woodsiness. I really hated it cold at first because the wood notes were strong and icky and I just was like "erm... I just don't get the hype."
As the wax warms and burns, the scent actually changes into something short of amazing. My hopes weren't high, having smelled it cold. It reminds me of my intense love for Tiki Beach aka my "sexy man" candle which I also really disliked at first... and then... obviously... fell deeply in love with. The scent is like... leaves... in the fall... like a pile of leaves right? Dried up and with that woody, sweet aroma but as though some mad genius took them and soaked them in apple cider. It's just amazeballs this scent. Love... Utter... deep... love. It smells so crisp and cozy all at once, I just... love!
The candle melts absolutely gorgeously and has an excellent throw - scents up an entire room (mine is 14x11ft). Strongly! 
Please let me know if you have any questions or comments.

Disclaimer: I paid for this myself

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