What the polish brush looks like:

My nails with 2 coats of polish, all nails have Orly Won't Chip, Chip Resistant Topcoat on

Availability: This is available at shopcolorclub.com and at amazon.com. All holographic finishes are $12 on the Color Club website and are a bit cheaper (about $10-12) on Amazon.
Would I buy this again?: Possibly.
Notes: Color-wise this is a blue-based violet purple with a holographic finish. The holograph on this shows up in all lighting as far as I've noticed but artificial lighting - run of the mill translucent light-bulbs or direct sunlight make it most noticeable.
Application was fairly easy with this and the brush is simply your average nail brush - nothing to write home about. The polish is mostly opaque in two coats. I could see the whites of my nails under it but only if I was looking for them.
Please let me know if you have any questions or comments.
Disclaimer: I paid for this myself.
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